Tuesday 29 April 2014

Alexander Parvus liaison of the Rothschilds, financier of the Young Turk revolution and the Bolsheviks, was a business partner of the Krupp concern of Vickers Limited and established the first military industrial complex

Alexander Parvus, Financier/liaison of the Rothschilds of the Young Turk revolution.

Parvus moved to Istanbul in Turkey where he lived for five years. There he set up an arms trading company which profited handsomely during the Balkan War. He became the financial and political advisor of the Young Turks.

In 1912 he was made editor of Turk Yurdu, their daily newspaper. He worked closely with the triumvirs known as the "Three Pashas." Three Pashas; Enver, Talat and Cemal - and Finance Minister Djavid Bey.

The triumvirs of Three Pashas planned and executed the "Armenian Massacres" in 1915.

Alexander Parvus firm dealt with the deliveries of foodstuffs for the Turkish army and he was a business partner of the Krupp concern, of Vickers Limited, and of the famous arms dealer Basil Zaharov.

Arms dealings with Vickers Limited at war time gave basis to the theory that Alexander Parvus was also a British intelligence asset.

While in Turkey Parvus became close with German ambassador Baron Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim who was known to be partial to establishing revolutionary fifth columns among the allies.

Consequently, Parvus offered his plan via Baron von Wangenheim to the German General Staff the paralyzing of Russia via general strike, financed by the German government (which, at the time, was at war with Russia and its allies.

Von Wagenheim sent Parvus to Berlin where he arrived on the 6 March 1915 and presented a 20 page plan titled: A preparation of massive political strikes in Russia to the German government.

Parvus' detailed plan recommended the division of Russia by sponsoring the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party,  encouraging ethnic separatists in various Russian regions, and supporting various writers whose criticism of Tsarism continued during wartime.

Basing himself on his 1905 experiences, Parvus theorised that the division of Russia and its loss in the First World War was the best way to bring about a socialist revolution.

Parvus developed the concept of using a foreign war to provoke an internal revolt within a country. Parvus arrived in St. Petersburg with false Austro-Hungarian papers. Parvus was regarded among European Marxists of the day as an authority on political and financial questions; consequently when he authored a provocative article In December entitled The Financial Manifesto, which described the Russian economy as being on the verge of collapse it received broad play in the press.

In combination with this propaganda, Parvus coordinated an agitation of locals to feign a run on the banks. As the news of the article and the subsequent "rush" was spread, the consequent hysteria managed to upset the economy and enrage prime minister Sergei Witte, but did not cause a financial collapse.

In connection with this provocation and Parvus' involvement in the organization of anti-government actions during the 1905 revolution, Parvus (together with other revolutionaries such as Leon Trotsky) was arrested by the Russian police. While in prison he became close with other revolutionaries, and was visited by Rosa Luxemburg. Sentenced to three years exile in Siberia, Parvus escaped and emigrated to Germany, where he published a book about his experiences called In the Russian Bastile during the Revolution.

Parvus has left no documents after his death and all of his savings disappeared. Both of his surviving sons became Soviet diplomats although one died in the gulag and the other disappeared.

After the Armenian genocide, the British Military Government sent 77 Turkish criminals to Malta and Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha, Djemal Pasha and Dr. Nazim were sentenced to death in absentia Just like many of the Nazi criminals in WWII!

Fakhri Pasha 

Led the Ottoman army and refused to halt upon a direct order from the Ottoman minister of war. The Ottoman government was upset and the Sultan Mehmed VI dismissed him from his post. He refused to do so and kept the Ottoman forces moving in Medina until 72 days after the end of the war.

Fahreddin was arrested by his own men and brought to Abdullah on 9 January 1919 at Bir Darwish. Abdullah entered Medina shortly after the surrender, followed by Ali who entered the city on 2 February 1919. After his arrest, he was brought to Malta.

Fahreddin Pasha lived as a prisoner of war for over two years in Malta until 1921. After his release in 1921, he joined the Turkish forces under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and fought against the Greek and French armies occupying Anatolia. 

After the Turkish War of Independence, he became Turkey's ambassador to Kabul in Afghanistan between 1922 and 1926. In 1936, he was promoted to major general and retired from the army. He died on November 22, 1948, after suffering a heart attack during a train trip in the vicinity of Eskisehir. He was buried in the Asiyan Cemetery in Istanbul.

Germany, Turkey and the Armenian Genocide 1914, part 1

Turkish officer committee, under the leadership of General Cemil Cahit Toydemir- invited by Hitler, visited the Eastern front and English channel coasts between 25 June 1943-7 July 1943. This photo was taken while leaving the Führer's headquartes at Wolfsschanze. Hitler and Turks with Hitler Jugend Marsch

Atatürk and Stalin
Ataturk and USA
Obama Honors Founder of Modern Turkey
Ataturk a Freemason and the Turkish Republic 
Ataturk Calling To American People
Admiral Colby Chester served for some time in Turkey in 1898 and got to know a number of people among the Jewish Young Turks.

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